#!/bin/sh -e # checking debian-tor account uid=`getent passwd debian-tor | cut -d ":" -f 3` home=`getent passwd debian-tor | cut -d ":" -f 6` # if there is the uid the account is there and we can do # the sanit(ar)y checks otherwise we can safely create it. if [ "$uid" ]; then if [ "$home" = "/var/lib/tor" ]; then : #echo "debian-tor homedir check: ok" else echo "ERROR: debian-tor account has an unexpected home directory!" echo "It should be '/var/lib/tor', but it is '$home'." echo "Removing the debian-tor user might fix this, but the question" echo "remains how you got into this mess to begin with." exit 1 fi else adduser --quiet \ --system \ --disabled-password \ --home /var/lib/tor \ --no-create-home \ --shell /bin/false \ --group \ debian-tor fi for i in lib log; do if ! [ -d "/var/$i/tor" ]; then echo "Something or somebody made /var/$i/tor disappear." echo "Creating one for you again." mkdir "/var/$i/tor" fi done command -v restorecon >/dev/null 2>&1 && restorecon /var/lib/tor chown debian-tor:debian-tor /var/lib/tor chmod 02700 /var/lib/tor command -v restorecon >/dev/null 2>&1 && restorecon /var/log/tor chown debian-tor:adm /var/log/tor chmod 02750 /var/log/tor tor_error_init() { echo "Tor was unable to start due to configuration errors."; echo "Please fix them and manually restart the tor daemon using"; echo " ´service start tor´"; } # Automatically added by dh_apparmor/3.0.13-2 if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then APP_PROFILE="/etc/apparmor.d/system_tor" if [ -f "$APP_PROFILE" ]; then # Add the local/ include LOCAL_APP_PROFILE="/etc/apparmor.d/local/system_tor" test -e "$LOCAL_APP_PROFILE" || { mkdir -p `dirname "$LOCAL_APP_PROFILE"` install --mode 644 /dev/null "$LOCAL_APP_PROFILE" } # Reload the profile, including any abstraction updates if aa-enabled --quiet 2>/dev/null; then apparmor_parser -r -T -W "$APP_PROFILE" || true fi fi fi # End automatically added section # Automatically added by dh_systemd_enable/13.15.3 if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then # The following line should be removed in trixie or trixie+1 deb-systemd-helper unmask 'tor.service' >/dev/null || true # was-enabled defaults to true, so new installations run enable. if deb-systemd-helper --quiet was-enabled 'tor.service'; then # Enables the unit on first installation, creates new # symlinks on upgrades if the unit file has changed. deb-systemd-helper enable 'tor.service' >/dev/null || true else # Update the statefile to add new symlinks (if any), which need to be # cleaned up on purge. Also remove old symlinks. deb-systemd-helper update-state 'tor.service' >/dev/null || true fi fi # End automatically added section # Automatically added by dh_runit/2.16.2 # Unlike postrm, I can be sure, that runit-helper is present on # postinst. if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] ; then NAME='tor' ENABLE='yes' ONUPGRADE='restart' /lib/runit-helper/runit-helper postinst "$@" fi # End automatically added section # Automatically added by dh_installdeb/13.15.3 dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile /etc/tor/tor-tsocks.conf tor -- "$@" # End automatically added section # Automatically added by dh_installinit/13.15.3 if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -x "/etc/init.d/tor" ]; then update-rc.d tor defaults >/dev/null if [ -n "$2" ]; then _dh_action=restart else _dh_action=start fi invoke-rc.d tor $_dh_action || tor_error_init fi fi # End automatically added section exit 0