#!/bin/sh set -e; PACKAGE=sendmail-base; # do we have debconf? if [ -f /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ]; then DEBCONF=true; #. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule; #db_stop; # For testing else DEBCONF=''; fi; if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then #----------------------------------------------------------- # Tell users about new and interesting things... if [ -x /usr/share/sendmail/update_notices ]; then /usr/share/sendmail/update_notices $2; fi; #----------------------------------------------------------- # Create group/user smmta/smmsp iff needed touch /etc/mail/tsmmta; if ! chown root:smmta /etc/mail/tsmmta 2>/dev/null; then addgroup --system --quiet smmta; fi; if ! chown smmta:smmta /etc/mail/tsmmta 2>/dev/null; then adduser --system --ingroup smmta --home "/var/lib/sendmail" \ --disabled-password \ --quiet --gecos 'Mail Transfer Agent' smmta; fi; rm /etc/mail/tsmmta; touch /etc/mail/tsmmsp; if ! chown root:smmsp /etc/mail/tsmmsp 2>/dev/null; then addgroup --system --quiet smmsp; fi; if ! chown smmsp:smmsp /etc/mail/tsmmsp 2>/dev/null; then adduser --system --ingroup smmsp --home "/var/lib/sendmail" \ --disabled-password \ --quiet --gecos 'Mail Submission Program' smmsp; fi; rm /etc/mail/tsmmsp; #----------------------------------------------------------- # With a dynamic uid/gid, have to set appropriate ownership herein chown root:smmsp /etc/mail/sasl; chown root:smmsp /etc/mail/tls; if [ -f "/var/run/sendmail/stampdir/reload" ]; then chown smmsp:smmsp "/var/run/sendmail/stampdir/reload" fi #----------------------------------------------------------- # Save the current configuration files in safe place... if [ -x /etc/cron.daily/sendmail ]; then echo "Saving current /etc/mail/sendmail.mc,cf to /var/backups"; /etc/cron.daily/sendmail || true; fi; #----------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure inetd.conf has sendmail in it (but disabled) if which update-inetd > /dev/null; then update-inetd --remove "^587"; update-inetd --group MAIL --add \ "smtp\tstream\ttcp\tnowait\troot\t/usr/sbin/sendmail sendmail -Am -bs"; update-inetd --group MAIL --add \ "submission\tstream\ttcp\tnowait\troot\t/usr/sbin/sendmail sendmail -Am -bs"; update-inetd --group MAIL --add \ "smtps\tstream\ttcp\tnowait\troot\t/usr/sbin/sendmail sendmail -Am -bs"; update-inetd --multi --disable smtp,smtps,submission fi; fi # Automatically added by dh_installdeb/13.14.1 dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/sendmail 8.14.4-2.2\~ -- "$@" # End automatically added section