Template: nova/my-ip Type: string Description: Value for my_ip: This value will be stored in the my_ip directive of nova.conf. Description-da.UTF-8: Værdi for my_ip: Denne værdi vil blive gemt i my_ip-direktivet i nova.conf. Description-de.UTF-8: Wert für »my_ip«: Dieser Wert wird im Eintrag »my_ip« der »nova.conf« gespeichert. Description-es.UTF-8: Valor para my_ip: Este valor será almacenado en la directiva «my_ip» del archivo «nova.conf». Description-fr.UTF-8: Valeur pour my_ip : Cette valeur sera enregistrée dans la directive my_ip de nova.conf. Description-it.UTF-8: Valore per my_ip: Questo valore verrà memorizzato nella direttiva my_ip di nova.conf. Description-ja.UTF-8: my_ip の値: この値は nova.conf の my_ip ディレクティブに保存されます。 Description-nl.UTF-8: Waarde voor my_ip: Deze waarde wordt opgeslagen in het stuurcommando my_ip van nova.conf. Description-pt.UTF-8: Valor para my_ip: Este valor será guardado na directiva my_ip de nova.conf. Description-pt_BR.UTF-8: Valor para my_ip: Esse valor será armazenado na diretiva my_ip do nova.conf. Description-ru.UTF-8: Значение my_ip: Это значение будет сохранено в директиве my_ip в nova.conf. Template: nova/neutron_url Type: string Default: Description: Neutron server URL: Please enter the URL of the Neutron server. Description-da.UTF-8: Adresse for Neutronserver: Indtast venligst adressen for Neutronserveren. Description-de.UTF-8: URL des Neutron-Servers: Bitte geben Sie die URL des Neutron-Servers ein. Description-es.UTF-8: URL del servidor Neutron Introduzca la URL para el servidor Neutron. Description-fr.UTF-8: Adresse URL du serveur Neutron : Veuillez indiquer l'adresse URL du serveur Neutron. Description-it.UTF-8: URL del server Neutron: Inserire l'URL del server Neutron. Description-ja.UTF-8: Neutron サーバ URL: Neutron サーバの URL を入力してください。 Description-nl.UTF-8: URL van de Neutron-server: Voer de URL van de Neutron-server in. Description-pt.UTF-8: URL do servidor Neutron: Por favor introduza o URL do servidor Neutron. Description-pt_BR.UTF-8: URL do servidor Neutron: Por favor, informe a URL do servidor Neutron. Description-ru.UTF-8: URL сервера Neutron: Укажите URL сервера Neutron. Template: nova/neutron_admin_tenant_name Type: string Default: admin Description: Neutron admin tenant name: Nova needs to be able to communicate with Neutron through Keystone. Therefore Nova needs to know the Neutron admin tenant, username and password. . Please enter the name of the admin tenant for Neutron. Description-da.UTF-8: Tenantnavn for Neutronadministrator: Nova skal kunne kommunikere med Neutron via Keystone. Derfor har Nova behov for at kende Neutrons administratortenant, brugernavn og adgangskode. . Indtast venligst navnet på administratortenanten for Neutron. Description-de.UTF-8: Tenant-Name des Neutron-Administrators: Nova muss mit Neutron über Keystone kommunizieren. Daher muss Nova den Tenant, Benutzernamen und das Passwort des Neutron-Administrators kennen. . Bitte geben Sie den Namen des Administrator-Tenants für Neutron ein. Description-es.UTF-8: Nombre del inquilino («tenant») administrador del servidor Neutron: Nova necesita ser capaz de comunicarse con Neutron a través de Keystone. Por lo tanto Nova requiere conocer el inquilino («tenant») administrador de Neutron, el usuario y la contraseña. . Introduzca el nombre del inquilino («tenant») administrador para Neutron: Description-fr.UTF-8: Nom du projet (« tenant ») de l’administrateur de Neutron : Nova doit pouvoir communiquer avec Neutron au travers de Keystone. Par conséquent, Nova a besoin de connaître le projet, le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe de l’administrateur de Neutron. . Veuillez entrer le nom du projet de l’administrateur pour Neutron. Description-it.UTF-8: Nome del locatario («tenant») per l'amministrazione di Neutron: Nova deve poter comunicare con Neutron attraverso Keystone, perciò Nova deve conoscere il locatario («tenant»), il nome utente e la password per l'amministrazione di Neutron. . Inserire il nome del locatario («tenant») di amministrazione per Neutron. Description-ja.UTF-8: Neutron 管理テナント (tenant) 名: Nova は、Keystone を通して Neutron と通信できるようにする必要があります。したがって、Nova は Neutron 管理テナント (tenant)、ユーザ名とパスワードを知っている必要があります。 . Neutron 用の管理テナント (tenant) の名前を入力してください。 Description-nl.UTF-8: Naam van de cliëntruimte (tenant) voor de beheerder van Neutron: Nova moet met Neutron kunnen communiceren via Keystone. Om die reden moet Nova de cliëntruimte (tenant), de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord van de Neutron-beheerder kennen. . Geef de naam op van de cliëntruimte (tenant) van de beheerder van Neutron. Description-pt.UTF-8: Nome do admin tenant Neutron: O Nova precisa de comunicar com o Neutron através do Keystone. Assim o Nova precisa de saber o nome de utilizador e palavra-chave do admin tenant do Neutron. . Por favor introduza o nome do admin tenant Neutron. Description-pt_BR.UTF-8: Nome de locatário ("tenant") do administrador do Neutron: O Nova precisa ser capaz de se comunicar com o Neutron através do Keystone. Portanto, o Nova precisa saber o locatário ("tenant"), nome de usuário e senha do administrador do Neutron. . Por favor, informe o nome do locatário ("tenant") administrador para o Neutron. Description-ru.UTF-8: Членское имя для admin Neutron: Nova требуется связь с Neutron через Keystone. Поэтому Nova требуется указать членское имя (tenant) admin Neutron, имя пользователя и пароль. . Введите членское имя admin для Neutron. Template: nova/neutron_admin_username Type: string Default: admin Description: Neutron administrator username: Please enter the username of the Neutron administrator. Description-da.UTF-8: Brugernavn for Neutronadministratoren: Indtast venligst brugernavnet for Neutronadministratoren. Description-de.UTF-8: Benutzername des Neutron-Administrators: Bitte geben Sie den Benutzernamen des Neutron-Administrators ein. Description-es.UTF-8: Nombre para el administrador de Neutron: Introduzca el nombre de administrador de Neutron: Description-fr.UTF-8: Nom d'utilisateur de l'administrateur pour Neutron : Veuillez indiquer le nom d'utilisateur de l'administrateur pour Neutron. Description-it.UTF-8: Nome utente dell'amministratore di Neutron: Inserire il nome utente dell'amministratore di Neutron. Description-ja.UTF-8: Neutron 管理者ユーザ名: Neutron 管理者のユーザ名を入力してください。 Description-nl.UTF-8: Gebruikersnaam van de beheerder van Neutron: Voer de gebruikersnaam in van de beheerder van Neutron. Description-pt.UTF-8: Nome de utilizador do administrador do Neutron: Por favor introduza o nome de utilizador do administrador do Neutron. Description-pt_BR.UTF-8: Nome de usuário do administrador do Neutron: Por favor, informe o nome de usuário do administrador do Neutron. Description-ru.UTF-8: Имя пользователя администратора Neutron: Введите имя пользователя администратора Neutron. Template: nova/neutron_admin_password Type: password Description: Neutron administrator password: Please enter the password of the Neutron administrator. Description-da.UTF-8: Adgangskode for Neutronadministratoren: Indtast venligst adgangskoden for Neutronadministratoren. Description-de.UTF-8: Passwort des Neutron-Administrators: Bitte geben Sie das Passwort des Neutron-Administrators ein. Description-es.UTF-8: Contraseña del administrador de Neutron: Introduzca la contraseña del administrador de Neutron. Description-fr.UTF-8: Mot de passe de l'administrateur de Neutron : Veuillez indiquer le mot de passe de l'administrateur de Neutron. Description-it.UTF-8: Password dell'amministratore di Neutron: Inserire la password dell'amministratore di Neutron. Description-ja.UTF-8: Neutron 管理者パスワード: Neutron 管理者のパスワードを入力してください。 Description-nl.UTF-8: Wachtwoord van de beheerder van Neutron: Geef het wachtwoord op van de beheerder van Neutron. Description-pt.UTF-8: Palavra-chave do administrador do Neutron: Por favor introduza a palavra-chave do administrador do Neutron. Description-pt_BR.UTF-8: Senha do administrador do Neutron: Por favor, informe a senha do administrador do Neutron. Description-ru.UTF-8: Пароль администратора Neutron: Введите пароль администратора Neutron. Template: nova/metadata_secret Type: password Description: Metadata proxy shared secret: VM instances using Neutron to handle networking retrieve their metadata through the Neutron metadata agent, which serves as a proxy to the Nova metadata REST API server. . Please enter the password that should be used to protect communications between the Neutron metadata proxy agent and the Nova metadata server. The same shared password should be used when setting up the neutron-metadata-agent package. Description-da.UTF-8: Proxy-delt hemmelighed for metadata: VM-instanser bruger Neutron til at håndtere netværk som henter deres metadata via Neutrons metadataagent, som fungerer som en proxy for Nova metadata REST API-serveren. . Indtast venligst adgangskoden som skal bruges til at beskytte kommunikation mellem Neutrons proxy-agent for metadata og Novas metadataserver. Den samme delte adgangskode skal bruges når pakken neutron-metadata-agent sættes op. Description-de.UTF-8: Gemeinsam benutztes Geheimnis des Metadaten-Proxys: VM-Instanzen, die Neutron verwenden, um sich um die Vernetzung zu kümmern, fragen ihre Metadaten über den Neutron-Metadatenagenten ab. Er dient als Proxy zum Nova-Metadaten-REST-API-Server. . Bitte geben Sie das Passwort ein, das benutzt werden soll, um die Kommunikation zwischen dem Neutron-Metadaten-Proxy-Agenten und dem Nova-Metadaten-Server zu schützen. Dasselbe gemeinsam benutzte Passwort sollte beim Einrichten des Pakets »neutron-metadata-agent« verwendet werden. Description-fr.UTF-8: Secret partagé pour le relais de métadonnées (« metadata proxy ») : Les machines virtuelles utilisant Neutron pour gérer leur connexion réseau récupèrent leurs métadonnées grâce à l'agent de métadonnées de Neutron, qui agit comme un relais pour le serveur de métadonnées de l'API REST Nova. . Veuillez indiquer le mot de passe à utiliser pour protéger les communications entre l'agent relais de métadonnées de Neutron et le serveur de métadonnées de Nova. Le même mot de passe partagé doit être utilisé lors de l'installation du paquet neutron-metadata-agent. Description-ja.UTF-8: メタデータプロキシ共有秘密鍵: ネットワーク化を扱うために Neutron を使う VM インスタンスは、Nova メタデータ REST API サーバへのプロキシとして働く Neutron メタデータエージェント経由でそれらのメタデータを取り出します。 . Neutron メタデータプロキシエージェントおよび Nova メタデータサーバ間の通信を保護するために使うパスワードを入力してください。同じ共有パスワードは、neutron-metadata-agent パッケージを設定するときにも使用する必要があります。 Description-nl.UTF-8: Met de proxy voor metagegevens gedeeld geheim: VM-realisaties die Neutron gebruiken om hun netwerkomgeving te beheren, halen hun metagegevens op via de agent voor metagegevens van Neutron die dienst doet als een proxy voor de REST API server voor metagegevens van Nova. . Voer het wachtwoord in dat gebruikt moet worden om de communicatie te beveiligen tussen de proxy-agent voor metagegevens van Neutron en de server voor metagegevens van Nova. Hetzelfde gedeelde wachtwoord moet gebruikt worden bij het instellen van het pakket dat de agent voor metagegevens van Neutron bevat. Description-pt.UTF-8: Segredo partilhado do proxy metadata: As instâncias VM utilizando Neutron para gerir a rede, obtêm a sua metadata através do agente de metadata Neutron, que por sua vez funciona como um proxy para o servidor REST API de metadata Nova. . Por favor introduza a palavra passe que deverá ser usada para proteger as comunicações entre o agente proxy de metadados do Neutron e o servidor de metadados do Nova. A mesma palavra passe partilhada deve ser usada quando configurar o pacote neutron-metadata-agent. Description-pt_BR.UTF-8: Segredo compartilhado do proxy de metadados: Instâncias de VM usando o Neutron para lidar com a rede recuperam seus metadados através do agente de metadados Neutron, o qual funciona como um proxy para o servidor de API REST de metadados Nova. . Por favor, informe a senha que deve ser usada para proteger a comunicação entre o agente proxy de metadados Neutron e o servidor de metadados Nova. A mesma senha compartilhada deve ser usada ao configurar o pacote neutron-metadata-agent. Template: nova/cinder_os_region_name Type: string Default: regionOne Description: Cinder os region name: Please enter the region name for cinder service. Description-da.UTF-8: Cinder os-regionnavn: Indtast venligst regionnavnet for cindertjenesten. Description-de.UTF-8: OpenStack-Regionsname von Cinder: Bitte geben Sie den Regionsnamen des Cinder-Dienstes ein. Description-fr.UTF-8: Nom de la région du système de Cinder : Veuillez indiquer le nom de la région pour le service Cinder. Description-nl.UTF-8: Naam van de os-regio voor Cinder: Voer de regionaam voor de cinder-dienst in. Description-pt.UTF-8: Nome da região do Cinder os: Por favor introduza o nome da região para or Neutron. Template: nova/placement_admin_tenant_name Type: string Default: service Description: Placement admin tenant name: Nova needs to be able to communicate with Placement through Keystone. Therefore Nova needs to know the Placement admin tenant, username and password. . Please enter the name of the admin tenant for Placement. Description-da.UTF-8: Tenantnavn for Placementadministrator: Nova skal kunne kommunikere med Placement via Keystone. Derfor har Nova behov for at kende Placements administratortenant, brugernavn og adgangskode. . Indtast venligst navnet på administratortenanten for Placement. Description-de.UTF-8: Tenant-Name des Placement-Administrators: Nova muss mit Placement über Keystone kommunizieren. Daher muss Nova den Tenant, Benutzernamen und das Passwort des Placement-Administrators kennen. . Bitte geben Sie den Namen des Administrator-Tenants für Placement ein. Description-fr.UTF-8: Nom du projet (« tenant ») de l’administrateur de Placement : Nova doit pouvoir communiquer avec Placement au travers de Keystone. Par conséquent, Nova a besoin de connaître le projet, le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe de l’administrateur de Placement. . Veuillez entrer le nom du projet de l’administrateur pour Placement. Description-nl.UTF-8: Naam van de cliëntruimte (tenant) voor de beheerder van Placement: Nova moet met Placement kunnen communiceren via Keystone. Om die reden moet Nova de cliëntruimte (tenant), de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord van de Neutron-beheerder kennen. . Geef de naam op van de cliëntruimte (tenant) van de beheerder van Placement. Description-pt.UTF-8: Nome do Placement admin tenant: O Nova precisa de comunicar com o Placement através do Keystone. Desta forma o Nova precisa de saber o nome de utilizador e palavra-chave do Placement admin tenant. . Por favor introduza o nome do admin tenant para o Placement. Template: nova/placement_admin_username Type: string Default: placement Description: Placement administrator username: Please enter the username of the Placement administrator. Description-da.UTF-8: Brugernavn for Placementadministratoren: Indtast venligst brugernavnet for Placementadministratoren. Description-de.UTF-8: Benutzername des Placement-Administrators: Bitte geben Sie den Benutzernamen des Placement-Administrators ein. Description-fr.UTF-8: Nom d'utilisateur de l'administrateur pour Placement : Veuillez indiquer le nom d'utilisateur de l'administrateur pour Placement. Description-nl.UTF-8: Gebruikersnaam van de beheerder van Placement: Voer de gebruikersnaam in van de beheerder van Placement. Description-pt.UTF-8: Nome de utilizador do administrador do Placement: Por favor introduza o nome de utilizador do administrador do Neutron. Template: nova/placement_admin_password Type: password Description: Placement administrator password: Please enter the password of the Placement administrator. Description-da.UTF-8: Adgangskode for Placementadministratoren: Indtast venligst adgangskoden for Placementadministratoren. Description-de.UTF-8: Passwort des Placement-Administrators: Bitte geben Sie das Passwort des Placement-Administrators ein. Description-fr.UTF-8: Mot de passe de l'administrateur de Placement : Veuillez indiquer le mot de passe de l'administrateur de Placement. Description-nl.UTF-8: Wachtwoord van de beheerder van Placement: Geef het wachtwoord op van de beheerder van Placement. Description-pt.UTF-8: Palavra-chave do administrador do Placement: Por favor introduza a palavra-chave do administrador do Neutron. Template: nova/placement_os_region_name Type: string Default: regionOne Description: Placement os region name: Please enter the region name for Placement service. Description-da.UTF-8: Placement os-regionsnavn: Indtast venligst regionnavnet for Placementtjenesten. Description-de.UTF-8: OpenStack-Regionsname des Placements: Bitte geben Sie den Regionsnamen des Placement-Dienstes ein. Description-fr.UTF-8: Nom de la région du système de Placement : Veuillez indiquer le nom de la région pour le service Placement. Description-nl.UTF-8: Naam van de os-regio voor Placement: Voer de regionaam voor de Placement-dienst in. Description-pt.UTF-8: Nome da região para o Placement os: Por favor introduza o nome da região para o serviço Placement. Template: nova/configure_neutron Type: boolean Default: false Description: Manage neutron config through debconf? Nova service must contact Neutron, and this is configured through the [neutron] section of the configuration. Specify if you wish to handle this configuration through debconf. Description-de.UTF-8: Neutron-Konfiguration mittels Debconf verwalten? Die Nova-Dienste müssen Neutron kontaktieren. Dies wird im Abschnitt [neutron] in der Konfiguration eingerichtet. Geben Sie hier an, ob diese Konfiguration mittels Debconf vorgenommen werden soll. Description-nl.UTF-8: De configuratie van neutron beheren via debconf? De Nova-dienst moet Neutron contacteren en dit wordt geconfigureerd via de sectie [neutron] van de configuratie. Geef aan of u deze configuratie via debconf wilt afhandelen. Template: nova/configure_placement Type: boolean Default: false Description: Manage placement config through debconf? Nova service must contact Placement, and this is configured through the [placement] section of the configuration. Specify if you wish to handle this configuration through debconf. Description-de.UTF-8: Placement-Konfiguration mittels Debconf verwalten? Die Nova-Dienste müssen Placement kontaktieren. Dies wird im Abschnitt [placement] in der Konfiguration eingerichtet. Geben Sie hier an, ob diese Konfiguration mittels Debconf vorgenommen werden soll. Description-nl.UTF-8: De configuratie van placement beheren via debconf? De Nova-dienst moet Placement contacteren en dit wordt geconfigureerd via de sectie [placement] van de configuratie. Geef aan of u deze configuratie via debconf wilt afhandelen. Template: nova/configure_db Type: boolean Default: false Description: Set up a database for this package? No database has been set up for this package. Before continuing, you should make sure you have the following information: . * the type of database that you want to use - generally the MySQL backend (which is compatible with MariaDB) is a good choice, and other implementations like PostgreSQL or SQLite are often problematic with OpenStack (this depends on the service); * the database server hostname (that server must allow TCP connections from this machine); * a username and password to access the database. . Note that if you plan on using a remote database server, you must first configure dbconfig-common to do so (using dpkg-reconfigure dbconfig-common), and the remote database server needs to be configured with adequate credentials. . If some of these requirements are missing, do not choose this option. Run with regular SQLite support instead. . You can change this setting later on by running "dpkg-reconfigure -plow". Template: nova/configure_rabbit Type: boolean Default: false Description: Configure RabbitMQ access with debconf? OpenStack services need access to a message queue server, defined by the transport_url directive. Please specify whether configuring this should be handled through debconf. . Only access to RabbitMQ is handled, and the RabbitMQ user creation isn't performed. A new RabbitMQ user can be created with the commands:" . - rabbitmqctl add_user openstack PASSWORD - rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / openstack ".*" ".*" ".*" . Note that the default RabbitMQ guest account cannot be used for remote connections. Template: nova/rabbit-host Type: string Default: localhost Description: IP address of your RabbitMQ host: In order to interoperate with other components of OpenStack, this package needs to connect to a central RabbitMQ server. . Please specify the IP address of that server. Template: nova/rabbit-userid Type: string Default: guest Description: Username for connection to the RabbitMQ server: In order to interoperate with other components of OpenStack, this package needs to connect to a central RabbitMQ server. . Please specify the username used to connect to that RabbitMQ server. Template: nova/rabbit-password Type: password Description: Password for connection to the RabbitMQ server: In order to interoperate with other components of OpenStack, this package needs to connect to a central RabbitMQ server. . Please specify the password used to connect to that RabbitMQ server. Template: nova/configure_ksat Type: boolean Default: false Description: Manage keystone_authtoken with debconf? Every OpenStack service must contact Keystone, and this is configured through the [keystone_authtoken] section of the configuration. Specify if you wish to handle this configuration through debconf. Template: nova/ksat-public-url Type: string Default: http://localhost:5000 Description: Auth server public endpoint URL: Specify the URL of your Keystone authentication server public endpoint. This value will be set in the www_authenticate_uri directive. Template: nova/ksat-region Type: string Default: regionOne Description: Keystone region: Specify the Keystone region to use. . The region name is usually a string containing only ASCII alphanumerics, dots, and dashes. Template: nova/ksat-create-service-user Type: boolean Default: true Description: Create service user? This package can reuse an already existing username, or create one right now. If you wish to create one, then you will be prompted for the admin credentials. Template: nova/ksat-admin-username Type: string Default: admin Description: Auth server admin username: Template: nova/ksat-admin-project-name Type: string Default: admin Description: Auth server admin project name: Template: nova/ksat-admin-password Type: password Description: Auth server admin password: Template: nova/ksat-service-username Type: string Description: Auth server service username: Template: nova/ksat-service-project-name Type: string Default: service Description: Auth server service project name: Template: nova/ksat-service-password Type: password Description: Auth server service password: