#!/bin/sh set -e type=$1 preversion=$2 checkpkgver () { local status pkg pkg=$1 status=$(dpkg -s $pkg 2>/dev/null | grep ^Status: | sed -e 's/^Status: \(.*\) \(.*\) \(.*\)/\3/g') if [ -n "$status" ] && [ "$status" != "not-installed" ] && [ "$status" != "config-files" ]; then echo $(dpkg -s $pkg 2>/dev/null | grep ^Version: | sed -e 's/^Version: *//'); fi } if [ "$type" = configure ] then # Load debconf module if available if [ -f /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ] ; then . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule fi # Only change LC_ALL after loading debconf to ensure the debconf templates # are properly localized. export LC_ALL=C if [ -n "$preversion" ] && [ -x "$(command -v ischroot)" ] && ! ischroot; then if dpkg --compare-versions "$preversion" lt 2.39; then check="apache2.2-common apache apache-ssl apache-perl autofs at" check="$check boa cucipop courier-authdaemon cron cups exim" check="$check exim4-base dovecot-common cucipop incron lprng lpr" check="$check lpr-ppd mysql-server nis openbsd-inetd" check="$check openldapd openssh-server postgresql-common proftpd" check="$check postfix postfix-tls rsync samba sasl2-bin slapd" check="$check smail sendmail snmpd spamassassin vsftpd" check="$check wu-ftpd wu-ftpd-academ wwwoffle" check="$check webmin dropbear gdm" # NSS services check: echo -n "Checking for services that may need to be restarted..." # Only get the ones that are installed, of the same architecture # as libc (or arch all) and configured. Restart openssh-server even # if only half-configured to continue accepting new connections # during the upgrade. check=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package} ${Status} ${Architecture}\n' $check 2> /dev/null | \ grep -E "(^openssh-server .* unpacked|installed) (all|${DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_ARCH})$" | sed 's/[: ].*//') # some init scripts don't match the package names check=$(echo $check | \ sed -e's/\bapache2.2-common\b/apache2/g' \ -e's/\bat\b/atd/g' \ -e's/\bdovecot-common\b/dovecot/g' \ -e's/\bexim4-base\b/exim4/g' \ -e's/\blpr\b/lpd/g' \ -e's/\blpr-ppd\b/lpd-ppd/g' \ -e's/\bmysql-server\b/mysql/g' \ -e's/\bopenssh-server\b/ssh/g' \ -e's/\bsasl2-bin\b/saslauthd/g' \ -e's/\bsamba\b/smbd/g' \ -e's/\bpostgresql-common\b/postgresql/g' \ ) echo echo "Checking init scripts..." for service in $check; do invoke-rc.d ${service} status >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && status=0 || status=$? if [ "$status" = "0" ] || [ "$status" = "2" ] ; then services="$service $services" elif [ "$status" = "100" ] ; then echo "WARNING: init script for $service not found." fi done if [ -n "$services" ]; then if [ -f /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ] ; then db_version 2.0 db_input critical libraries/restart-without-asking || true db_go || true db_get libraries/restart-without-asking if [ "$RET" != true ]; then db_reset glibc/restart-services db_set glibc/restart-services "$services" db_input critical glibc/restart-services || true db_go || true db_get glibc/restart-services if [ "x$RET" != "x" ] then services="$RET" else services="" fi fi else echo echo "Name Service Switch update in the C Library: post-installation question." echo echo "Running services and programs that are using NSS need to be restarted," echo "otherwise they might not be able to do lookup or authentication any more" echo "(for services such as ssh, this can affect your ability to login)." echo "Note: restarting sshd/telnetd should not affect any existing connections." echo echo "The services detected are: " echo " $services" echo echo "If other services have begun to fail mysteriously after this upgrade, it is" echo "probably necessary to restart them too. We recommend that you reboot your" echo "machine after the upgrade to avoid NSS-related troubles." echo frontend=`echo "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` if [ "$frontend" = noninteractive ]; then echo "Non-interactive mode, restarting services" answer=yes else echo -n "Do you wish to restart services? [Y/n] " read answer case $answer in N*|n*) services="" ;; *) ;; esac fi fi echo if [ "$services" != "" ]; then echo "Restarting services possibly affected by the upgrade:" failed="" for service in $services; do case "$service" in gdm) echo -n " $service: reloading..." if invoke-rc.d ${service} reload > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "done." else echo "FAILED! ($?)" failed="$service $failed" fi ;; *) echo -n " $service: restarting..." if invoke-rc.d ${service} restart > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "done." else echo "FAILED! ($?)" failed="$service $failed" fi ;; esac done echo if [ -n "$failed" ]; then if [ -f /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ] ; then db_fset glibc/restart-failed seen false db_subst glibc/restart-failed services "$failed" db_input critical glibc/restart-failed || true db_go || true else echo "The following services failed to start: $failed" echo echo "You will need to start these manually by running \`invoke-rc.d start'" echo "If the service still fails to start, you may need to file a bug on" echo "${DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE}:${DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_ARCH} or the service involved." frontend=`echo "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` if [ "$frontend" != noninteractive ]; then echo echo -n "Press ENTER to continue: " read foo fi fi else echo "Services restarted successfully." fi fi # Shut down the frontend, to make sure none of the # restarted services keep a connection open to it if [ -f /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ] ; then db_stop fi else echo "Nothing to restart." fi fi # end upgrading and $preversion lt 2.39 fi # Upgrading # Emit triggers to allow depending packages to restart themselves if # needed. The triggers are called with "--no-await", as packages with the # triggers-awaited state do not satisfy dependencies. dpkg-trigger --no-await libc-upgrade if [ -n "$preversion" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$preversion" lt 2.39; then dpkg-trigger --no-await libc-major-upgrade fi fi exit 0